New Relic it’s a powerful tool that handles application monitoring.
It is a good practice setting environment variables to define and configure our NewRelic parameters.
# You must specify the license key associated with your New
# Relic account. This key binds the Python Agent's data to your
# account in the New Relic service.
license_key = YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
# The application name. Set this to be the name of your
# application as you would like it to show up in New Relic UI.
# The UI will then auto-map instances of your application into a
# entry on your home dashboard page.
app_name = YOU_APP_NAME
# When "true", the agent collects performance data about your
# application and reports this data to the New Relic UI at
# newrelic.com. This global switch is normally overridden for
# each environment below.
monitor_mode = false
developer_mode = true
# Sets the name of a file to log agent messages to. Useful for
# debugging any issues with the agent. This is not set by
# default as it is not known in advance what user your web
# application processes will run as and where they have
# permission to write to. Whatever you set this to you must
# ensure that the permissions for the containing directory and
# the file itself are correct, and that the user that your web
# application runs as can write to the file. If not able to
# write out a log file, it is also possible to say "stderr" and
# output to standard error output. This would normally result in
# output appearing in your web server log.
log_file = stderr
# Sets the level of detail of messages sent to the log file, if
# a log file location has been provided. Possible values, in
# increasing order of detail, are: "critical", "error", "warning",
# "info" and "debug". When reporting any agent issues to New
# Relic technical support, the most useful setting for the
# support engineers is "debug". However, this can generate a lot
# of information very quickly, so it is best not to keep the
# agent at this level for longer than it takes to reproduce the
# problem you are experiencing.
log_level = info
# The Python Agent communicates with the New Relic service using
# SSL by default. Note that this does result in an increase in
# CPU overhead, over and above what would occur for a non SSL
# connection, to perform the encryption involved in the SSL
# communication. This work is though done in a distinct thread
# to those handling your web requests, so it should not impact
# response times. You can if you wish revert to using a non SSL
# connection, but this will result in information being sent
# over a plain socket connection and will not be as secure.
ssl = true
# High Security Mode enforces certain security settings, and
# prevents them from being overridden, so that no sensitive data
# is sent to New Relic. Enabling High Security Mode means that
# SSL is turned on, request parameters are not collected, and SQL
# can not be sent to New Relic in its raw form. To activate High
# Security Mode, it must be set to 'true' in this local .ini
# configuration file AND be set to 'true' in the server-side
# configuration in the New Relic user interface. For details, see
# https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/subscriptions/high-security
high_security = false
# The Python Agent will attempt to connect directly to the New
# Relic service. If there is an intermediate firewall between
# your host and the New Relic service that requires you to use a
# HTTP proxy, then you should set both the "proxy_host" and
# "proxy_port" settings to the required values for the HTTP
# proxy. The "proxy_user" and "proxy_pass" settings should
# additionally be set if proxy authentication is implemented by
# the HTTP proxy. The "proxy_scheme" setting dictates what
# protocol scheme is used in talking to the HTTP proxy. This
# would normally always be set as "http" which will result in the
# agent then using a SSL tunnel through the HTTP proxy for end to
# end encryption.
# proxy_scheme = http
# proxy_host = hostname
# proxy_port = 8080
# proxy_user =
# proxy_pass =
# Capturing request parameters is off by default. To enable the
# capturing of request parameters, first ensure that the setting
# "attributes.enabled" is set to "true" (the default value), and
# then add "request.parameters.*" to the "attributes.include"
# setting. For details about attributes configuration, please
# consult the documentation.
attributes.include = request.parameters.*
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The application environments. These are specific settings which
# override the common environment settings. The settings related to a
# specific environment will be used when the environment argument to the
# newrelic.agent.initialize() function has been defined to be either
# "development", "pytest", "preprod" or "production".
app_name = YOU_APP_NAME (Staging)
monitor_mode = true
developer_mode = false
monitor_mode = true
developer_mode = false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
As you can see I have all the common settings under the [newrelic]
tag and by default I set monitor_mode = false
and developer_mode = true
2 environments have been declared on that file, production
and staging
, so if I wanna use production
I just need to declare NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT
and I’m good to go.
Finally run New Relic as documented on their manuals.
# Example: Python agent
newrelic-admin run-program YOUR_COMMAND_OPTIONS
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